Mar 22, 2022
Social Entrepreneurs in Canada

Canadian students have been creating lists of the top social entrepreneurs, or “Social Entrepreneurs,” of the year. The project was part of the university’s Social Enterprising course, taught by Craig Kielburger. The students were introduced to various social enterprise organizations and thought leaders, including Lourdes Juan, who co-founded Fresh Routes and the Leftovers Foundation. Larissa Crawford, who runs Future Ancestors, provides consulting services, training, and research to entrepreneurs in the province.

Canadian Students Have Been Creating Lists Of The Top Social Entrepreneurs

social entreprenuers in canada

In Canada, the School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) is one of the few programs in North America that prepares social entrepreneurs for the world stage. Based on the SSE model in the UK, the program provides action-based learning for aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs in the field of social enterprise. A social enterprise is a business with a social purpose. This means it is a for-profit or nonprofit company that provides a service or product that improves the community.

ASCEnt is a four-month accelerator for social entrepreneurs, which helps them develop viable product offerings and build key connections. The program is supported by RBC and the Big Ideas Challenge pitch competition, which is run in partnership with ASCEnt. The HUB Ottawa is an incubator for social enterprises in Ottawa. The incubator provides training for new and experienced entrepreneurs and facilitates connections to investors, businesses, and other professionals.

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