Feb 18, 2023
The Importance of Sexual Health
Sexual Health is a state of wellbeing that involves physical, emotional, social and spiritual dimensions. It is based on a positive and respectful approach to sexuality, relationships and reproduction that is free from coercion, discrimination and violence. Read more https://reviewsfox.org/
Sexually healthy people have a sense of self-esteem and personal attractiveness, the freedom to choose sexual behaviors, the capability to maintain healthy reproductive choices, and the opportunity to experience satisfaction in sex. They also avoid sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned pregnancies and other adverse outcomes.
In addition, they are able to enjoy their sexuality and express it in ways that are congruent with their values. This includes identifying their own sexual orientation, respecting the gender identities of others and making informed choices about family options and relationships.
The Basics of STIs, Testing, and Prevention
During childhood and adolescence, young people have the opportunity to learn about their sexuality through the guidance of a comprehensive, rights-based sexuality education program that addresses sexuality as part of a holistic process. This approach is designed to equip young people with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to determine their sexuality in ways that are congruent with their developmental needs and the expectations of their families, peers and romantic partners.
The focus of these efforts is to provide young people with a healthy sexual life, free from sexually transmitted infections and other risks. Among the most common sexually transmitted infections are human papillomavirus (HPV), chlamydia, gonorrhea and HIV infection. These STIs are the cause of about half of all new sexually transmitted infections in 15- to 24-year-olds.
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